Saturday, January 31, 2009


Ahhhh, January.. Out with the old, in with the new. I hesitate to make New Year's resolutions. I prefer to reflect and visualize what I want to be and make the changes in the coming year. I have had the thought in July... "I think I'll do that next year." It's "next year". So my visual includes BLOGGING. Posting and encouraging. I also see orderly closets in my home and fun, filled scrapbooks to look at on Sunday afternoons with my grandchildren.

I'm quite thankful that 2008 is over. I pretty much missed the last few months of it and the first few weeks of this year, so my goal is that by Feburary 14th I'll be all up to date with life.

I'll take time in future posts to share some of the blessings, tragedies, inconveniences, and detours that I experienced in 2008.

What remains steady, I am so thankful for:
Peace in my home.
The endless game of catch-up I am in with my Father in Heaven. (I am blessed. I strive to be worthy. He blesses me more. I strive to be worthy ... you get the idea.)
A mother who loves me and thinks I'm fabulous. (If she tells me I am, I will strive to live up to that. It works: I keep striving.)
Children that really know me and love me still.
Grandchildren that turn the house to magic when they come. Jump on Lulu's bed? Sure!!
Knowlege that this is but a portion of our existence.

What you'll see from me this year:
Clean orderly closets.
Beautiful scrapbooks.
Healthy, properly proportioned physical self.