Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 Random things about me

It may take me 25 days:
1.) I'm the only redhead in my family. My sister always had soft beautiful blond hair.
2). I had the same kindergarten teacher as my mom and dad. (Miss Eisenberg, also a redhead)
3). My Gramma Mattson made me feel like life was magic.
... more to come...


Julie Barb said...

I never knew Mattson was named after your Grandma's last name...Can't wait to read the rest of your list:)!

Angie Cheney said...

Frank was my husband's mother's maiden name. Family names are so fun. I'd be happy to help any time Dana. For cute backgrounds and themes, I go to (thanks Julie!). You click on backgrounds and click on one you like; there are lots on the right hand column. She gives really good instructions then to finish it, but I'd be happy to help more if you need it. I've found hers are the easiest to interchange quickly and easily.